Vegan Cheese HACCP Program DevelopmentDevelopment of HACCP program within 4 weeks and audit within the next 6 weeks

Vegan Cheese Facility, Victoria BC
May 2021
HACCP Program Development
Our Role
Food Safety Consultant


The client has a very basic food safety plan that meets BC food safety plan and some elements of the pre-requisite programs that are not fully documented. The client is expecting an audit within less than 3 months.

The HACCP-based food safety plan must be developed and successfully implemented within 3 months.

As there is a significant amount of information that is undocumented, it takes a significant amount of time to extract the information and to write procedures that match the current practices.


We worked with our clients to determine gaps for their food safety programs and updated their programs based on the gap assessment.

To ensure that our clients are able to implement the procedures and forms within the limited timeline and to prevent information overload, we deliver our procedures and forms in stages, along with guidance, to ensure that the procedures are properly understood.

We work with our client to ensure that they have all the information that they needed for their audit.

The client pass their first audit within 3 months of HACCP program development and implementation.

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