Masterclass SFCR Program Development Training

This program is designed specifically to food manufacturer that is new to the concept of PCP and food safety program but need to comply with the CFIA SFCR requirements.

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  • When you apply for the SFC license, you testify that you have a preventative control plan.
  • So, you must and need to show evidence that you have implemented the preventative control plan.
  • What if you are not familiar with the SFC requirements?
  • Or you do not have the expertise to develop and follow the SFC requirements.

Here is your chance to

  • Learn about maintaining your food safety program
  • Get a complimentary SFCR template with the guided training
  • Over 5 weeks of guided Maintenance and Operation of Establishment program consultation during classes
  • Walkout with 1-2 SOPs ready for implementation every week

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SFCR Training Program

Lesson 1: SOP Development concept

Lesson 2 -4: Building and Premises

Lesson 5-6: Transportation, Purchasing, Receiving, Shipping and Transportation

Lesson 7: Equipment

Lesson 8: Personnel

Lesson 9: Allergen and foreign materials control

Lesson 10: Sanitation and Pest Control

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Trainer Profile”][bt_bb_service_image lazy_load=”yes” image=”3458″ size=”boldthemes_small_rectangle” shape=”square” title=”Felicia Loo, SQF Consultant” text=”Felicia Loo specializes in assisting food businesses to build and implement food safety programs efficiently and effectively. Experience with food safety and regulatory programs including SQF, ISO 2200, Primus GFS, Organic, Kosher and Health Canada (Natural Health Product).

She works with clients to develop food fraud & food defense programs, environmental monitoring programs, and food safety & GMP training programs for staff and management.

She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a BSc. Food Science with a minor in Commerce. Her work spans a wide range of small and medium-sized food businesses including natural health products, bakeries, desserts, confectionery, fruit juice production, and fresh produce.” url=”” target=”_self” show_read_more=”no” responsive=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_bb_service_image][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Sign Up “][bt_bb_button text=”Book Mar 25 -Apr 22, 2021″ icon=”” icon_position=”left” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”inherit%$%%$%%$%%$%” size=”small%$%%$%%$%%$%” color_scheme=”” width=”inline” responsive=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” style=”outline” shape=”inherit”][/bt_bb_button][/bt_bb_accordion_item][/bt_bb_accordion][/bt_bb_column_inner][/bt_bb_row_inner][/bt_bb_column][/bt_bb_row][/bt_bb_section]