SFCR PCP Plan Service

What is SFCR Preventive Control Plan?

The SFCR or Safe Food for Canadian regulation is a series of regulations under the Safe Food for Canadian Act that focus primarily on three components.

  • Preventative Control Plan
  • Traceability
  • Customer Protective Plan

What does it mean to food manufacturers, food importers, and exporters?

Most food businesses regulated through the SFCR regulations would need a business license issued by CFIA. You can apply to obtain the business license on the myCFIA website. See tips for registering an account for myCFIA. You will be required to testify that you have a Preventative Control Plan, PCP plan before you can click the submit button.

While you may not be required to provide a PCP plan, you have agreed to have and implement a PCP plan. Therefore, you must be able to present a PCP plan and/or present relevant records to support that you are implementing the PCP plan.

SFC Questions:

Do you need an SFC license?

Check the CFIA interactive tools to determine if you need an SFC license.

Do you need an SFCR PCP plan?

Check the CFIA interactive tools to find out if you need a PCP plan

Do you need a Traceability Plan?

Check out the CFIA interactive tools to determine if you need a traceability Plan.

If you are getting an SFC license and need guidance, our blog “How to Get SFC license?” can help guide you through the process.

Still, need help? SFPM Consulting helps food businesses to build and comply with SFCR regulations. We build and guide you with

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