Getting Started Guide

What Is SQF & Do You Need An SQF Consultant?

SQF stands for Safe Quality Foods. It is one of the food safety certification programs that meet the Global Food Safety Initiatives, which is recognized globally by the food industry.

Why choose SQF?


The program’s fundamental is that you meet the SQF code by DOING what you say you would do & DOCUMENT what you did. Two words: DO and DOCUMENT.

  • Globally Recognized Food Safety Certification:

Being a GFSI-recognized certification scheme means it is globally recognized whether you sell your food to North America, Asia, Africa, or Europe. The system is also on-par with BRC, AIB, FSSC 22000, etc.

  • Widely recognized in North America
  • Simple, Flexible, and Easy to Customized:

SQF code only indicates the requirements but does not dictate how the requirement need to be met. It is result-oriented and can be customized to each food facility’s processes.

  • Built-In Process to meet Local Regulatory and Customer Requirements

The program considers local regulatory and customer requirements and is shown to comply with most FSMA requirements.

  • SQF Code and  Guidance Documents

SQF programs’ perks are that the code and guidance documents are available for free online.

How to get SQF Certified? 

      1. Download the latest SQF code here.
      2. Understand the code.
      3. Assign an SQF Consultant/Practitioner.
      4. Develop programs to meet the code requirements.
      5. Implement the programs.
      6. Find a certification body that provides certification services.
      7. Go through a desk audit (focus on documentation review)
      8. Go through an initial Certification

Once certified, remember to keep up with the record-keeping and system reanalysis to ensure the food safety management program continuously meet SQF requirements.

Do you need SQF Consultant? 

There is no requirement for a food facility to hire an SQF consultant to pass a food safety audit. However, many food facilities have challenges meeting the certification and recertification requirements.

A Registered SQF consultant, in this instance, will be able to help provide guidance and assistance to meet the program requirements.

The Role of SQF Consultant

A registered SQF Consultant can help:

  • Food facilities to find the best way to build, implement and manage your food safety management system
  • Provide confidential information on food safety threats
  • Keep you updated with updates on the local regulations and requirements

An SQF Consultant can only help by providing suggestions and considerations for the advice. We do not make decisions on your behalf. You will still retain your decision power.

Beyond SQF Consulting

SFPM Consulting is a full-service consulting firm that helps our clients to be ready to reap the return on investment for their food safety programs. We focus on building SUSTAINABLE and PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS for our clients. To help achieve this goal, here are a few services that we incorporate:

      1. Help to train your staff to meet requirements
      2. Help with internal audit
      3. Incorporate process improvements into the food safety programs

Hiring a Food Safety Consultant vs Doing it Myself?

I am a Do-It-Myself person and certainly understand the whys. There are many food safety guidance and SOP available online, but how much does it cost to do it YOURSELF? Your time is $$$.

SFPM Benefit

All of our consultant at SFPM Consulting is empowered to teach and guide on-site staff to manage food safety programs. You pay us the up-front cost to teach and coach your team, so we can charge you less.


Handling customer complaints and food safety issues can be extremely stressful. We support our clients with guidance and suggestions so you know what to expect.


The most challenging journey wasn’t passing the initial certification. It is keeping and passing the recertification when all your customer eye on getting your upcoming certificate. Working long hours just before the audit to get it right? Chances are you cannot make the cut because we cannot recreate missing records.


Food safety professionals wear many hats in a food facility and may be overwhelmed with their tasks. Don’t let your staff experience burnt-out and consider leaving their roles. Our consultant can help with tedious tasks such as internal audits and supplier approval programs so your team focus on your operational needs.

Next Step: Get a Complimentary SQF Consultation Guide

Book a complimentary meeting with Felicia Loo today